Clean Games are gamified competitions in waste collecting and sorting. Players gain scores, look for artefacts and solve environmental puzzles. We keep broadcasts and statistics in real time. Up to 20 tons of garbage are collected per game.
Project Goals
We gamify cleanups and turn them into open-air festivals and city holidays. We engage the mass audience, players raise their environmental awareness and learn basics of waste sorting.
Educate Through Games
We create a friendly community of eco-activists from around the world and help them to share and scale successful practices.
Unite The World
Up to 20 tons of waste are collected per game, major part of which is then recycled. Players engage their friends and neighbours in keeping territories clean.
Help The Nature
Победа в конкурсе "Доброволец России" в номинации "Вокруг Нас"
Победа в конкурсе "Лучший проект социального предпринимательства в сфере экологии"
Победа в конкурсе "Надежный партнер – экология" в номинации "Лучший проект в сфере экологии, реализованный в рамках программ корпоративно-социальной ответственности"
Победа в конкурсе АСИ "Смарт.Эволюция" в номинации "Смарт.Дело"
Победа в конкурсе "Зеленый Крест". Номинация "Лучшая добровольческая экологическая акция"
Победа в международной премии "Волонтер года" Номинация "За вклад в сохранение и защиту окружающей среды"
Специальный приз в конкурсе Серебряный Лучник
Лучший эко-стартап Москвы в рамках III Экорезиденции
Премия Наше подмосковье
Победа конкурсе проектов НКО в номинации Проекты в области ресурсной поддержки СО НКО
2 место в конкурсе Реклама Будущего в номинации "Кампании"
Project History
The First Game
In 2014 Dmitry Ioffe and his friends went on a boat trip on lake Vuoksa. Their rest was almost spoilt by waste on one of the islands, and the team came up with the idea of a competition in collecting garbage. Two months later, in July, the first game was held with the support of a location-based game called Running City and its creator Igor Golyshev.
Regional Development
New gamified format attracted activists from Torzhok, Krasnodar and Tver in only two-months time. The project was scaled as a non-commercial franchise, strong community of regional organizers appeared. The methodology is free for all activists after the agreement is signed.
2016-2017: The Annual Double Growth in Russia
Each year the number of new cities doubled. Fast development turned possible thanks to the unique format, commited team and state recognition and support, as well as the 2017 Russia`s Year of Ecology, when Dmtry Ioffe became the Volunteer of Russia.
2018-2019: International Development
In 2018 Russia`s Year of Volunteering a friend of the project, who lives in India, organized a game for her students - unexpectedly the project became international. Then Clean Games were hold in 15 countries on two continents. In 2019 the first national and international tournaments and The Clean Games Baltic Cup took place to become annual. In 2018 the project was awarded as The Best Eco volunteer Project of the Year and The Best Environmental Project of the Year.
In 2019 Clean Games were presented at II Paris Peace Forum, became Climate Development Leader, The best ecological social entrepreneurship project.
2020: New Challenges And Solutions
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic Clean Games had to develop the decentralized game format and come up with new environmental initiatives. Trash Busters Award and online challenges were held to engage hundreds of people. In autumn the second Clean Games Baltic Cup took place, as well as the first Intercontinental Clean Games Cup, which united 20 Russian and American cities. Today Clean Games are joined by 60 000 participants from 20 countries, who have collected more than 2000 tons of wastes.
Dmitry Ioffe
Partnerships, interaction with business and executive government bodies
Anton Zaitsev
Comunication manager
Interaction with the media, bloggers and partners +7 931 258 70 97
Maria Evdokimova
Regional coordinator
Distribution of the Clean Games methodology, support in organizing events, consultations on working with the website and mobile application
Ilya Khvataev
Social media manager
Posting materials on social networks of the project